* Voted best marketing read of Summer (2013) by Advertising Age readers.

“How Brands Grow” is based on decades of research that has progressively uncovered scientific laws about buying and marketing performance. This book is the first to present these laws in context, and explore their meaning and marketing applications.
It is a myth-busting book, in the tradition of classic scientific discoveries. Unlike most business books it’s based on extensive data, on real world buying. The Nielsen Company and TNS, in particular, provided access to vast amounts of data covering hundreds of product categories and a number of countries.
The laws presented in this book are therefore not the result of armchair theorising, nor one-off case studies.

“How Brands Grow” is written by Professor Byron Sharp, director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, at the University of South Australia. It is published by Oxford University Press.
Several chapters are co-authored by topic expert researchers from the Institute. The Institute’s R&D is sponsored by many of the world’s leading corporations, including Coca-Cola, Turner Broadcasting, P&G, Unilever, CBS, ABC/Disney/ESPN, Red Bull and many others.
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